Sunday, May 22, 2011


It's travel time again. I've been getting things ready in the same fashion as last trip. However, this time we add a new element. You see, about a month ago, I found a great deal on a Wii. I'm not exactly pro-video games. I have intentionally avoided such a purchase. But I'm a sucker for a good deal, and Girl just loves playing at other people's houses.

We don't just randomly bestow gifts of such magnitude around here, especially since we've been dealing with some poor attitudes and decisions. Thus, Daddy and I have been contemplating how to let the kids earn it. Mind you, they have no idea this thing currently sits in our house.

We devised an earning system which will be paid out with Monopoly money. For the list of particular decisions, a $1 will be paid. If there is a particularly good day, a $5 can be earned. As a bonus incentive to make Daddy's life easier, double earnings are possible when Mom is out of town.

Here is the sign posted near the menu board:

We'll use Monopoly money as payment:

I have trips scheduled for the next 3 consecutive work weeks. With this new job, there are a lot of trainings and meetings. Daddy is not thrilled, but I think we'll make it. I got my company laptop on Friday, and it doesn't have the bells and whistles my personal laptop has. It doesn't have a webcam or microphone, so I had to go purchase one in order to Skype with the family.  I will miss my personal laptop when I'm traveling, but the company one will have to do.

For those who don't know me, I'm also a graduate student. This week is going to be a tough one, because I have a paper due next Sunday. I'll be spending a lot of time in my hotel room reading articles to prepare. I'll check in after the trip!

Action Item for this post is the same as last two posts.  I really need some help getting this off of the ground: Find mamas who travel for work and are interested in sharing tips for staying virtually hands-on with their children. Get them to follow this blog.  I know we can build a community for support.

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